The Studio
Corporate Crisis
The Firm aims to follow the Client in the management of the corporate crisis, guaranteeing the utmost professionalism and...
Leggi di piùBankruptcy Proceedings
Studio Associato Padoan gives full assistance in managing and running companies' crisis, assuring the highest professional...
Leggi di piùContentious
Our experts have great experience in arbitrage, arbitrations and conciliations, and they are entrusted by the Court of Vicenza...
Leggi di piùCorporate
Studio Associato Padoan is in position to offer a wide range of services in companies' matter, as: Incorporations, mergers...
Leggi di piùTaxation
Studio Associato Padoan offers domestic and international fiscal assistance to private persons, corporations, artists, associations...
Leggi di piùInternational
Since many years Studio Associato Padoan offers full assistance and consultancy in international and transnational business,...
Leggi di piùThird sector organization
Among other services, Studio Associato Padoan is specialized in fiscal assistance for Associations, Trusts, Charities, Non-profit...
Leggi di piùCooperative
Studio Associato Padoan has a twenty-year-long presence in national and local cooperatives. Pending this period, the Studio...
Leggi di piùAuditing
The Partners of Studio Associato Padoan are appointed as members of Boards of Directors, members of Boards of Auditors, and...
Leggi di piùAdministration
Studio Associato Padoan developed many years long experience in the administration and management of assets and estates,...
Leggi di piùOverindebtedness
Professionals registered as Crisis Managers in the Crisis Composition Body of the Order of Accountants and Accounting Experts...
Leggi di piùSuccessions
Studio Associato Padoan offers a precious support in passing of properties and disposition by will's planning including testamentary...
Leggi di piùVoluntary Jurisdiction
The Firm's professionals have gained specific experience as Inheritance Trustees, Judicial Administrators, and Auxiliaries...
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